Replacing Spark Plugs
Mar 15, 2015 • Rentaro
My engine started to stutter during its first 5 minutes within startup in February. I'd been suspecting that it was due to the oxygen sensor nearing its lifespan. However, the problem was so intermittent that I couldn't possibly read the codes out with my OBD-II.
Fingers crossed, I pulled out my spark plugs that I've been meaning to change for a year and a half. The oxygen sensor in my Subaru is hard to get at according to the mechanics at Pep Boys. I wasn't in the mood to be ripped off on a pointless inspection, only to be offered some other unneeded "fix". Bad plugs were also a natural suspect since it seemed like cylinders were being skipped every shaft rotation.
The spark plugs were obviously the issue here... They're all burned out and the gaps were f-ed up. I luckily had the right spark plugs at home so I fixed it immediately. The plugs were really hard to get out and also get in, but with some effort and a torque wrench I set those suckers in at 16 lb-in and my engine was humming as if nothing had happened.